Fire Hydrants
Fire Hydrants are an integral part of many water-based fire protection systems. The most common types of fire hydrants are the Dry Barrel Hydrant and the Wet Barrel Hydrants in addition to the Standpipes. These all have different types of structures and mechanism depending on the surrounding conditions.
Fire hydrants are built in two basic varieties, depending on climate. In Ohio where the temperature drops, dry barrel hydrants are installed because any water above ground, including the water stored in the hydrant barrel itself, has the potential to freeze. Dry barrel hydrants is the most popular style utilized in the United States. Water is not stored in the barrel. Wet barrel hydrants are very similar to dry barrels except that they house water inside the hydrant when not in use.
Fire Hydrants also have a color coding scheme when it comes to the tops and nozzles caps. It may also show up in the color of they hydrant body. Below are some examples of color coding. The colors indicate the rate water-flow capacity of that particular hydrant:
- Red indicates a water-flow capacity of fewer than 500 gallons per minute (GPM).
- Orange indicates a water-flow capacity of 500 to 999 GMP.
- Green indicates a water-flow capacity of 1,000 – 1,499 GMP.
- Blue indicates a water-flow capacity of 1,500 or greater GPM.
Based on the color, firefighters will be able to determine the appropriate pump operation for the hydrant, and whether a different hydrant would provide better water flow.

Dry Barrel Fire Hydrant
The life span of a fire hydrant can be extended if you have a good inspection and maintenance plan. Every fire hydrant should be inspected at least twice a year. This could be in the Spring and in the Fall. This is suggested by the manufacturer’s recommendation. This will help to extend the life of a hydrant. The hydrant can last about 50 years if well taken care of. Maintenance and inspections will help you meet compliance with OSHA, State and Local Regulations.
Fire Hydrants Repairs, Replacements and Installation
Accurate provides hydrant replacements, hydrant repairs, new hydrant installation, water line repairs and maintenance. All our work is done to the highest standards. Below are some of our services:
- Fire Hydrant Repairs
- Watermain repairs and replacements
- Flushing water mains
- Fire Line Installations
- Service line repair work
- Exterior Waterline Repair
- Exterior service line replacements
- Post indicator valve maintenance
- Valve Inspections
- Valve location mapping and documentation
- Valve cleaning
- Valve upgrades
Accurate offers Design Build Installation for Fire Hydrant Systems. Accurate can repair and install all brands of fire hydrant systems. Including Sales, Service, Maintenance and Repairs. If you need Annual, Semi Annual and Quarterly Inspections. We can set up a schedule for your special needs.
Accurate offers a full range of Fire Protection Equipment and Services for Commercial, Retail, Restaurants, Industrial Schools, Hotels, Nursing and Care Facilities, Hospitals, Day Care Facilities, Churches, Theaters, Shopping Malls, and Residential Customers.